Worms are wonderful. They improve soil drainage, eat parasites and plant debris, and fertilize the soil with their castings. My students love digging in the dirt searching for worms. You are the winner if you find the biggest one! That’s their rule, not mine.… Continue reading
Author: admin (Page 1 of 5)
A big thank you to Juliet Robertson, whose blog post from December 29th, 2022, inspired me to reflect on my practice since August.
The questions, below, are from her post.
What has been the most memorable outdoor experience that happened in your school or setting in this past year?
Our Reception program (3, 4 & 5 year olds) is play-based and is heavily influenced by inquiry and constructivist learning philosophies. We use the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme as our curricular framework.
Both indoors and outdoors, we provide the children with uninterrupted blocks of time, up to 1.5 hours, to play.… Continue reading
World Book Day 2020 is celebrated on Thursday, March 5th. I love children. I love nature and I love books. Put it all together and you get: children reading books outdoors! FABULOUS!
Don’t wait until March 5th. Here’s an idea to help you get started today.… Continue reading
I liked the alliteration of that title. However, if you are going to read books to your students in the rain, I suggest you have a covered area. It’s hard to read dripping, ripping soggy pages.
… Continue readingIn Spring 2019, I took the Intro to Exceptional Learners course from Florida Gateway College in Lake City, Florida. Throughout the course, I examined the course content through the lens of an outdoor education teacher.… Continue reading
Can a simple outdoor activity, such as weeding the garden, be a vehicle in which the children demonstrate accomplishment of standards and benchmarks?
Encourage the children to weed the garden? Some folks would argue that it’s a waste of valuable learning time.… Continue reading