Take Learning Outdoors

Experiential learning in nature for knowledge that sticks.

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Make Sidewalk Chalk with Your Students

This is a favorite experience I like to do with my students to:

  1. encourage them to write and draw on the pavement outdoors
  2. let them experience taking turns while doing a group project
  3. introduce them to following directions or a recipe
  4. use measurement in a real-life situation

I have found that children who normally do not color on the pavement (often times, boys) are more interested to do it when they have made the chalk themselves – and chosen the color of the chalk to make. Continue reading

September to Remember – Day 15

Outdoor Learning is taking shape!

Once upon a time, a very wise first-year teacher said to me, “When I plan my lessons, I think how would a five-year-old want to learn about this?”

I had been teaching for over ten years at that time, and I was stunned. And frankly, a little embarrassed. I wasn’t planning my lessons with the perspective of the student in mind. Why had I never thought of that?

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September to Remember – Day 13

It’s your lucky day to do math outside!

Happy Wednesday to you! It’s Day 13 of “September to Remember”.

Every school day this month, I’m encouraging you to take the learning outside and make this a super-engaging-fun-filled September to remember for your students.

I hope you’ve taken your students out to sing, paint, tell stories, play and improve their memory. But they need to learn math, too! Continue reading

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