Take Learning Outdoors

Experiential learning in nature for knowledge that sticks.

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Welcome Back to School!


Snail on log in our outdoor learning environment

Welcome back to school everyone! I took a break from blogging in July.
Then August arrived and, just like my little friend here, I got off to a slow start.

Instead of blogging, I busied myself preparing for a new school year. Before I knew it, school had started and I was meeting our new students and their parents.  My first priority became helping both the parents and students to feel safe, comfortable in their new class, and confident that we would take good care of them . I’m sure this sounds familiar to you!

The process of settling in is now well underway so it’s time to get back to blogging.

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Who’s in? Who’s out?

You’ve just returned from an amazing outdoor learning conference, read an inspiring book, or joined an early years outdoor learning group on Facebook or Twitter. You are fired up. Totally inspired. You’ve got so many ideas jumping around in your head that you want to take your students outside immediately on Monday morning. What about the logistics? How are you doing to take the learning outdoors in an effective and successful manner?

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Often Asked Questions

This weekend we hosted an Outdoor Learning Conference at my school. Educators from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Romania joined us to learn how we do outdoor learning in a school setting. It was great fun meeting everyone, hearing their stories, talking about their outdoor learning journeys and being rejuvenated by their curiosity and enthusiasm. 

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My Biggest Hurdle

You’re a teacher. You’re an expert at what you do. You know it and I know it.

So when your principal stands in front of you at a staff meeting and promotes the latest trend in education or the latest political mandate, you nod your head and smile. Then you go right back to your classroom, shut the door and do what you know is best.

If you don’t believe in outdoor learning, if you have never experienced its power, or if you feel uncertain, you won’t do it. And you’ll find a million reasons not to. I did.

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