Looking for a way to motivate your students use calendars? Make planting calendars with them!
The purpose of planting calendars is so the children can remember when to plant which seeds.… Continue reading
Experiential learning in nature for knowledge that sticks.
Looking for a way to motivate your students use calendars? Make planting calendars with them!
The purpose of planting calendars is so the children can remember when to plant which seeds.… Continue reading
Create some anticipation for cold weather play by making ice with your students.
When we returned to school after the winter holidays, we returned to cold, wet mud in our outdoor learning environment. Our part of Germany gets a lot of drizzly rain.… Continue reading
Once upon a time, a very wise first-year teacher said to me, “When I plan my lessons, I think how would a five-year-old want to learn about this?”
I had been teaching for over ten years at that time, and I was stunned.… Continue reading
If you love outdoor learning as much as I do, you count the minutes until you can get outside again with your students.
When I first became the outdoor learning educator at my school, I wanted to ensure my students were exploring math outside.… Continue reading
Happy Wednesday to you! It’s Day 13 of “September to Remember”.
Every school day this month, I’m encouraging you to take the learning outside and make this a super-engaging-fun-filled September to remember for your students.… Continue reading
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